Show Time

The 2011 Footman James Classic Motor Show is taking place this weekend. Unfortunately it is at the NEC, Birmingham. But more on that in a minute.

The show has expanded since last year and features many interesting, and in some cases, unique cars. This Volvo P1800 with a 2.5 litre, 4 cylinder Aston Martin engine is a good example of the gems on display.

Another one off is the only surviving Coventry Victor Venus dating back to 1949. It is a mystery as to how it is still around, given that the factory ordered all 6 prototypes to be destroyed.

Sometime in the near future our Special Correspondent will have a detailed look at a few of these gems, till then you will have to live with this gallery.

One thing that really does need to be done is for the Health & Safety Executive to prosecute the management of the NEC for the appalling lighting in the halls. Those condemned to labour on the stands for three days are in severe danger of getting Seasonal Affective Disorder. I cannot imagine that the hire of the NEC is cheap, so why proper illumination is not provided is beyond me.

One bright light at the Show is the enthusiasm and deep knowledge of the members of the various car clubs. Their dedication keeps long departed brands like Hillman and Humber alive. Long may that continue.

So, if you get a chance in 2012, go to the show, it is full of treasures and rarities.

John Brooks, November 2011

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