So that was Sebring, first blood in 2011 to Peugeot. Not, however, the new finned factory cars; ORECA, genuine sportscar folk, scored a memorable win in 2010 spec car in the 12 Hours run around Hendricks’ Field last week.
While I was kicking my heels over here, watching Ireland beat the bejesus out Grand Slam hopefuls, England, David Lister had his Nikons set to stun.
His first visit to the Florida Classic turned up the usual bag of gold. He has graciously agreed to share some of this treasure with us.
John Brooks, March 2011
I thought that the comments section of this post was looking a little sad.. and unloved.. and underused.. so I popped in to show it some of the love.. man…
I’ll give you some love, Dave. Just a bit distracted by War Number Three, Fukushima Daiichi Number Three, and Quantitative Easing Number Two. Beautiful lenswork at what may be the only real North American sportscar race between now and October…
Great shots, as usual !!!!